Friday, April 17, 2009

I am pacing....again

Sometimes my mind is swirling with random thoughts so fast I can't do anything but pace....and think how many times I've seen the words "random thoughts" in the last few months. I seem to have become addicted to the computer and discovered that a hell of a whole lot of bloggers use the tag "random thoughts" and usually they are rather inane. How can thoughts be random. Don't they come from way down deep inside us? A more apt description might be "demoralizing discoveries"; or "painful ponderings"; or "daily complaints"; or "how fucking bored can I be". Are our random thoughts plans? wishes? oh my dreams come true? All I know is that I've been sitting here at the computer for four hours and have written this paragraph, stared at the table that needs dusting in a major way, planned to scan four generations of photos onto disk so I can get rid of the seven boxes of photos sitting next to me, wrote two songs in my head.....I'm not a musician but it was fun, decided not to eat a thing even though I am a tad hungry, planned tomorrow's dinner, wrote a note to plant some seeds in the garden, thought of quite a few pictures I want to take, some lesson plans for elementary school children that I think would be pretty cool....I'm not a teacher, checked facebook to see what I was missing, did not watch the news, and figured that the tag "random thoughts" got on my nerves because I am apparently so focused.

I actually believe, now that I got that off my chest, that random thoughts have probably ended up producing millions and millions acts of kindness, great books, beautiful music, amazing bridges, airplanes, silk, cheesecake....

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